Utop Bet

Bookmaker nameUtop Bet, Utopbet, Utiop Betting Ethiopia
Licensing and RegulationLicensed and regulated by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia National Lottery Administration
PromotionsNone at the time of the review
OfferingsSportsbook only
Sports Coverage100+ sports
Odds Average
Payment MethodsTransactions primarily occur through local shops or vouchers. Deposits can be made using cash, e-wallets, or bank transfers at these shops. Online deposits are not supported, except through a Voucher system. All withdrawals require visiting a local shop.
Mobile AppNot available
Customer SupportPhone: 251900607150, Email: utopbet@gmail.com
Utop Bet main features

In the dynamic landscape of Ethiopian online betting, Utop Bet, also known as Utop Betting Ethiopia, emerges as a notable platform, offering a sportsbook-focused experience. Operating under the strict regulation of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia National Lottery Administration, Utop Bet commits to providing a secure and fair betting environment for its users. However, at the time of this review, it’s important to note that the platform did not offer any promotions, a detail that might affect the initial attractiveness for new users.

Comprehensive Sportsbook Offering

Utop Bet prides itself on its extensive sportsbook, featuring over 100 sports. This vast selection places it as a go-to platform for sports enthusiasts looking for diversity in their betting options. Despite this quite broad range if compared to other local bookmakers, the odds can be described as average when compared to international standards, suggesting that while the variety is commendable, the competitive edge in odds might be lacking.

Unique Payment System

One of the distinctive features of Utop Bet’s operation is its approach to transactions. Unlike many online betting platforms that offer a wide range of online deposit and withdrawal methods, Utop Bet’s financial transactions are rooted in traditional methods. The primary method for both depositing and withdrawing funds involves local shops or vouchers. In these shops, customers can deposit funds using cash, e-wallets, or bank transfers. However, the absence of online deposit options, except through a voucher system, and the necessity to visit local shops for all withdrawals, presents a limitation for users seeking the convenience of online transactions.

Mobile App and Customer Support

For those accustomed to betting on the go, it’s notable that Utop Bet does not currently offer a mobile app, potentially limiting accessibility for users who prefer mobile betting. However, customer support is readily available for users with inquiries or issues. Contact can be made through a dedicated phone line (251900607150) or via email (utopbet@gmail.com), ensuring that users have a direct line of communication with the platform’s support team.


Utop Bet stands out for its comprehensive sportsbook offering and adherence to regulatory standards in Ethiopia. However, its transaction methods, average odds quality, and lack of a mobile app highlight areas where the platform diverges from the conveniences offered by many international online betting sites. As the digital betting landscape evolves, potential users should weigh these factors when considering Utop Bet as their platform of choice for sports betting in Ethiopia.